Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Jim Nantz - The Voice

Jim Nantz has been with CBS sports longer than I have been alive.  He is a staple in the network's athletic coverage of PGA golf, NCAA basketball, and NFL football since 1985 and has done an outstanding job at doing so.  Nantz has worked his way up in CBS's hierarchy since he started, so much in fact, that it is hard to turn on a CBS sports broadcast and not hear the iconic voice of the 28 year tenured broadcaster.

Nantz has covered countless memorable events in his time with CBS:

  • NCAA March Madness tournament games (including every Final Four game)
  • Super Bowl XLI, Super Bowl XLIV, and Super Bowl XLVII
  • Head host of The Masters, and The PGA Championship for CBS since 1989
After watching multiple events which Nantz has covered, it is very evident as to why CBS wants him to cover and host so many of their athletic events.  The voice of Jim Nantz is one of the most enjoyable voices to listen to in all of sports, past and present.  He has it all in terms of vocality, he can illustrate a round of golf with an uncanny ability to speak both with passion and reverence in a single breath.  The next time you watch golf on CBS, take notice of how Nantz changes his tone drastically in a sport which many find dull. Prior to the player's shot, he will speak in a manner which many could assimilate with the whispers of the crowd gathered around said golfer as they are asked to be quiet.  Once the shot is struck, Nantz has an uncanny ability to bring his voice to an immediate tone filled with anticipation, almost guiding the ball through the air just as a golfer would to themselves while watching the flight path.  As the ball lands and rolls he knows once again, how to evaluate the shot based on its landing and roll.  He does not go overboard when a shot goes into the water or the bunker as it is seen rude to lose your composure in the game of golf.  If the shot is a gem, however, Nantz can turn on the jubilance in a heartbeat filling an audience's ears with the raw excitement in the air following an outstanding shot.

Nantz also can keep up with the constant excitement of NCAA March Madness, and does so without losing the iconic voice which he possesses.  College basketball is a high tempo game which is constantly played with a sense of urgency unlike any other level of basketball.  When it is win or go home for teams, the intensity raises up tenfold.  Nantz has the ability to bring some organization to the "madness" of March, but can still keep up with the heart and hustle of the young men playing to solidify their place in history.  Even when games come down to the wire, Nantz has the ability to use his vocality and bring fans to their senses as they sit anxiously clinging to their seats with their eyes on the television.  He turns it up while the action is happening while still keeping his cool and getting the details down, when the inevitable timeouts or dead balls occur, he is there with the details and knows what to discuss with his color man letting everyone at home know what to expect and what situation each team is facing.  

Jim Nantz has the work ethic, memory, and personality to be a solid sportscaster.  It is his voice, which he has full control of at all times, however, that makes him a great sportscaster.  CBS realized his potential when he was working in Salt Lake City, Utah way back in the mid 1980's.  They knew they had found a kid with plenty of experience and a solid voice back then, what CBS may not have realized was that they found a legend.  

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