Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dick Vitale... Baby..

Dicky V is the most interesting color commentary man in all of NCAA college basketball.  He has been with ESPN since their first college basketball game broadcast in 1979 and they have not let go of the iconic voice of college basketball ever since.  Even today, CBS has attempted to hire him on to be a color man for the first two rounds of NCAA tournaments, but ABC and ESPN will simply not allow him to do a game for anyone aside from themselves.  This is for good reason, as his unique sayings, delivery, and slight speech impediment have taken the nation by storm.

Although Vitale does catch some fire for his over-animated and sometimes corny style of broadcasting, a vast majority of college basketball fans love him.  He, like Harry Caray who I discussed in my last blog, is a people person who despite his flaws in comparison to a stereotypical sportscaster stands out in the right way to attract attention to himself in a mostly positive light.  It would be tough to argue that there is anyone out there who loves the college basketball more than Dicky V if you've listened to one of his broadcasts.

I am going to go as far as to compare him to the rap great Eminem right now.  Eminem has made a multi-platinum musical career off of yelling into the microphone with a controlled style in his music.  People can tell Eminem is a passionate individual when it comes to music simply by listening to him.  Dick Vitale, although much older and more frail sounding, has done the same thing apparently.  It usually is a rule not to yell into a microphone but whether it be the way he talks, or a real true yell coming out of his mouth, he has a method of controlling his volume to simply make it sound like he is an excited old man.  Add in an adorable speech impediment and unique method of pronouncing words and you have Dicky V.

When it comes to his choice of words during the broadcast, Vitale has (somehow) made the terms "yeah baby" and "diaper dandy" waaaaayyy more famous than they should ever be.  He uses them often, but he also uses them at the right time.  A diaper dandy is a really talented freshmen player who Vitale has fallen in love with talent-wise.  "Yeah Baby... thats just how you know something exciting happened.  A third tool in the Vitale arsenal is "unbelievable" which is usually what immediately follows the "yeah baby."  Add in about 25,785 other sayings that you have either never heard before or only have heard a few times from your grandpa, and THAT is the official Vitale style.

Don't believe me?  Just check out the Champions' Classic tourney on ESPN along with all the other games which the cable network will broadcast this season.  Chances are, Dicky V is doing it, and chances are you will agree with me on the saying thing after watching just one game and listening closely for it.

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